Short Guide of the 32nd Biennial of Graphic Arts

Short Guide of the 32nd Biennial of Graphic Arts

Authors of the texts

Irena Borić, Miklavž Komelj, Yasmín Martín Vodopivec, Nevenka Šivavec, Breda Škrjanec, Lili Šturm, Vladimir Vidmar, Asta Vrečko, Božidar Zrinski, Michele Drascek, Gregor Dražil, Alenka Gregorič, Leja Jurišić, Tevž Logar


Karla Železnik


Aleksandra Rekar, Arven Šakti Kralj Szomi


Žiga Testen

Published by


Number of pages





Slovene, English

The Biennial exhibition is accompanied by a short guide: The 32nd Biennial of Graphic Arts: Birth as On the occasion of the 32nd Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts, Birth by Criterion, a short guide was published, presenting the concept of the Biennial, a description of the modernist poet Jure Detela and his poem Birth by Criterion, which provided the impetus for the kind of self-reflection that this edition of the Biennial embarked on. The break, brought on by Jure Detela's poem, resonated in the rhizomic structure of the Biennial, which – without the central figure of the curator – instead functioned as a self-producing entity. By stepping outside the comfort zone, be it the tradition of the Biennial or the established protocols of conceptualising contemporary art exhibitions, Birth by Criterion foregrounded a variety of relationships – a multiplicity that has no single unifying concept but exists as a continuous stream of meanings, offering a multitude of potential connections and interactions between artworks. The publication presents the participating artists, their works and projects, as well as numerous colour reproductions.

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