The Summer Museum Night 2023
On Saturday, 17 June, on the Summer Museum Night, we will organize a varied program which includes a final pop-up presentation of the printmaking courses, the opening of the Janja Kosi exhibition and a concert by the Anbot band. The doors of MGLC Švicarija will be open until midnight, admission is free.
18.00, MGLC Tivoli Mansion
Print Studio Doors Open: Final pop-up presentation of the printmaking courses of the 2022/23 season
From February to June this year, MGLC held a 50-hour Beginners and a 50-hour Advanced Course in printmaking techniques. The Beginners course introduced participants to screenprinting, woodcut, linocut (in combination with collage) and collagraphy. The Advanced Course imparted knowledge of etching and reservage, lithography, aquatint and drypoint.
We will have the opportunity to view a selection of work by the course participants in a relaxed atmosphere and talk about our experiences and practices.
The Beginners Course was conducted by Jakob Puh, art teacher and head of the MGLC Print Studio, Nina Koželj, printmaker, sculptor and art teacher, Silvester Plotajs Sicoe, academy-trained painter and printmaker, and Sonja Vulpes, visual artist and printmaker. The Advanced Course was led by printmakers and art teachers Monika Plemen and Alja Košar. Course coordination: Lili Šturm, Museum Adviser.
The event is co-financed by the European Union.
20.00, MGLC Švicarija
Exhibition opening: Janja Kosi, From … to …
The artistic process of Janja Kosi involves inhabiting and domesticating spaces – on this occasion of MGLC Švicarija, where she has been working and living for a year as a young residential artist. The works of Janja Kosi are always about the question of when a space becomes familiar, when is it truly known and taken as one’s own. Janja Kosi directs her attention to Švicarija as a temporary resident. In her pictorial language, she drafts out spaces based on photographs and architectural plans, projects them with light, devotes herself to their voids in this way and then often reassembles them. In analogy to a temporary home or shelter, the exhibition as an installation creates a space that is seen differently each time because of its changing content. Another space characterised by the prepositions from…to…
Curators: Dušan Dovč and Ajda Ana Kocutar
21.00, MGLC Švicarija
The band never fails to impress with its unique programme, which includes a combination of different musical genres that can rarely be heard in a live gig anywhere.
This time, Anbot will present a new programme of songs alongside their hits, accompanied by guest singer Natalija Radić.
Artistic direction: Aldo Kumar