24th International Biennial of Graphic Arts

24th International Biennial of Graphic Arts

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Authors of the texts

Lilijana Stepančič, Zoran Kržišnik, Yongwoo Lee, Lev Menaše, Pierre Restany, Sašo Vrabič, Breda Škrjanec, Boštjan Soklič, Enzo Di Martino, Aurora Fonda, Mark Francis


Mirjam Behek


Borut Cajnko


Bons (Zarja Vintar, Mateja Jenič, Primož Poljanšek)

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Number of pages





Slovene, English

The catalogue for the 24th International Biennial of Graphic Arts emphasises the substance of the graphic arts in the context of the newly emerging global art and the internal organizational structure of the event which comprises four segments: Print World, Off-Biennial Section: Information − Misinformation, Fundamina and Imaging Ulysses: Richard Hamilton’s Illustrations to James Joyce. The 24th International Biennial of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana represents the revitalization of the Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts. The Biennial received the International Award for Innovation in the Field of the Graphic Arts from the Calcografia Nacional of Real Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid. The recipient of the Grand Prix d’Honneur of the Biennial, Damien Hirst, donated thirteen screen-prints to the International Centre of Graphic Arts, which testifies to the credibility of the event, which was only further consolidated by the 24th edition. The Biennial was curated by Stephan Coppel, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Gregor Podnar and Breda Škrjanec.

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