Alejandra Pizarnik, Nocturnal singer
The book Night Singer presents a selection of works by Alejandra Pizarnik (1936–1972), Argentinean poet, who explained how she wished to write in the following words: “A writing thick with insufferableness, to choking, yet only made of ‘subtle ties’, that would allow the innocent coexistence of subject and object at the same level, as well as the abolition of the usual boundaries that separate me, you, he, we, you, they.”
The book contains a major part of her poetic oeuvre, her prose Bloody Countess, and her own statements about her poetry. However, what makes this publication particularly special is the inclusion of the poet’s drawings and two letters to Djuna Barnes, which have so far not been published anywhere in the world, and could well be the most beautiful self-presentation that she has ever written.