End of the World Residency
The programme orientation of the MGLC Švicarija and the location of the residency centre on the border between city and nature, on the edge of a city park and a forest, led us to utopian, dystopian and fantasy reflections on what the end of the world could look like. Will it be experienced as a general terrestrial and human catastrophe of planetary proportions, or it will be a gradual, almost invisible and silent obliteration of the individual, until there is nothing human left here and now? There are many possible end-of-the-world scenarios – including those that will predict post-Anthropocene coexistence on Earth and beyond. Art can be visionary and inspiring in this respect.
The residency is therefore intended as a two-month reflection on the end of the world, which may result in a new artistic production, curatorial research or theoretical reflection.
Artists and art collectives, established or emerging art curators, theorists.
Costs of use
The selected resident has their accommodation, travel and subsistence expenses covered.
How to apply
The open call is published once a year.
Application deadline
The open call is in preparation.