Evening with Manca Košir: Stories about Books and People
The series of literary evenings at MGLC Švicarija Stories about Books and People is hosted by dr. Manca Košir, journalist, poet, publicist and former professor. Her choice of guests connects literature and literary works with visual arts, social sciences, humanities, science, etc. The topics covered by the guests range from ecology, social criticism, health, taboos, rituals, gender issues to current political and social issues. The literary evenings are accompanied by the performances of young musicians, the scholarship holders of the Municipality of Ljubljana, whose musical repertoire is based on the theme of each literary evening.
The literary evenings are held once a month (every second Sunday of the month at 6 pm). All talks are streamed live on the MGLC Facebook profile and later archived on the MGLC YouTube channel. In this way, the talks serve as a lasting record of efforts to promote a culture of reading.
The literary evenings are held in Slovenian and admission is free.
2023/2024 Season Programme
8 October 2023 – Autobiographical narrative: Ksenija Benedetti (autobiography Hiša sozvočja [The House of Harmony]) and Aleksander Zadel
12 November 2023 – Slovenian customs, habits and rituals: dr. Ambrož Kvartič (scientific monograph Od imena do spomina [From a Name to a Memory]) and Renata J. Roban
10 December 2023 – Reflection on the spiritual book The Bhagavad Gita: doc. dr. Nina Petek and mag. Andrej Detela (novel Zvezdni otroci [Star Children])
11 February 2024 – Celebration of poetry: Miljana Cunta (poetry collection Nekajkrat smo zašli, zdaj se vračamo [We got lost a few times, but now we’re back]) and Dušan Šarotar (poetry collection in prose Nikomah poroča [Nicomachus Reports])
10 March 2024 – Women's evening: Asya Širovnik Moškon (book Nevidna sila duhovnega preboja [The Invisible Power of Spiritual Breakthrough]) and Ana Rozman (confessional Sencam glas! [Voice to the Shadows!])
14 April 2024 – Men's evening: Marko Pavliha (autobiography Svetilnik [The Lighthouse]) and Marko Hatlak (book by Arthur C. Brooks Vedno krepkejši [From Strength to Strength])