The Old Continent programme received the LivCom 2023 Award
The Old Continent programme received the third prize, the bronze International Award for Liveable Communities 2023 (LivCom 2023), which recognises projects that contribute significantly to a higher quality of life. The focus of LivCom 2023 was on ageing and the integration of older people into society and the environment.
The Old Continent (2021–2023) is a community programme by the International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC) in Ljubljana and was carried out in cooperation with the Ljubljana Day Activity Centres for Seniors (DCA Ljubljana). The programme addresses the question of the future, using the historical and artistic context of Švicarija as its starting point. The project is based on the idea that has become increasingly relevant in recent years that speaks of art that holds the power and ability to work for and with people.
Selected artists, for whom MGLC Švicarija represented a residential refuge, were invited to participate in the programme. These included the academy-trained painters, printmakers and creatives Ana Sluga, Silvester Plotajs Sicoe and Lea Culetto, who conduct workshops with the participants on the themes of "Memory", "Storytellers" and "What I carry in my hands".
Experts from the fields of neurology, cognitive neuroscience, neurobiology and psychology: dr. Robert Zorec, dr. Andreja Avsec and prof. dr. Zvezdan Pirtošek, also participated in the programme with a series of three public lectures on the connection between art and biological and neurological processes, as well as the potentially therapeutic effects of art on health, vitality, well-being and so on.
The short art documentary The Old Continent was also made as part of the programme. It was produced in collaboration with OSM Films by the younger generation of filmmakers, Tina Lager and Blaž Miklič. Click here to view the film.
Project Leader, Lili Šturm, Museum Counsellor.