The International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC) is an art, education, residency and leisure centre that enriches the lives of all generations by linking heritage, contemporary art and nature. Located in Ljubljana, in the heart of Tivoli Park, MGLC is housed in two remarkable historic buildings: Tivoli Mansion since 1986 and Švicarija since 2017.
MGLC is also a museum specialising in printmaking with extensive international collections and a major producer of graphic works made in the MGLC Print Studio. In recent years, more and more newly commissioned artworks have come to the forefront of the exhibition programme and especially the Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts. MGLC is also the main organiser and producer of the Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts, one of the oldest and largest international exhibitions of graphic and contemporary art in Central and South-Eastern Europe.
One Museum, Two Locations
International Networks and Associations
MGLC is an active member of professional associations and national and international institutional networks:
MGLC Board of Trustees
The MGLC Board of Trustees for the term of office 31. 8. 2021–30. 8. 2025 is composed of:
President of the MGLC Board of Trustees
Anton Kastelic
Vice President of the MGLC Board of Trustees
Mojca Škrinjar
Miha Erič
Jan Babnik
Božidar Zrinski
Founding supporters
The following artists made the renovations and founding of MGLC possible: Dan Allison, Marko Andlovic, Zvest Apollonio, Miroslav Arsić, Todorče Atanasov, Janez Bernik, Janez Boljka, Bogdan Borčić, Lucijan Bratuš, Jože Ciuha, Boge Dimovski, Vida Fakin, Mitja Ficko, Tomaž Gorjup, Samuel Grajfoner, Milena Gregorčič, Bogdan Grom, Toshihiro Hamano, Franz Hitzer, Goran Horvat, Drago Hrvacki, Jože Horvat - Jaki, Danilo Jejčič, Andrej Jemec, Kiar Meško, Zorana de Kide, Janez Knez, Zora Koren Skerk, Bojan Kovačič, Ante Kuduz, Giani Llalloshi, Lojze Logar, Tim Long, Vladimir Makuc, Adriana Maraž, Edo Murtić, Dimče Nikolov, Polde Oblak, Valentin Oman, Freya Payne, Bill Penney, Amalija Perez Molek, Jože Peternelj, Konrad Peternelj, Veno Pilon (dediči), Rainer Plum, Concetto Pozzati, Anton Repnik, Jože Spacal, Lojze Spacal, Ljubomir Stahov, Zora Stančič, Mitja Stanek, Marija Starič Jenko, Gorazd Šefran, Gorazd Šimenko, Miroslav Šutej, Drago Tršar, Marijan Tršar, Max Uhlig, Franco Vecchiet, Vladimir Veličković, Jana Vizjak, Sašo Vrabič, Petar Waldegg, Huiquin Wang, Mehmed Zaimović, Karel Zelenko and Giuseppe Zigaina.
The following organizations made the renovations and founding of MGLC possible: Adria Airways, Color, Elan, Emona, Ferromoto, Gorenje, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, GP Grosuplje, IMP Metall, IMV, Intereuropa, Iskra, Izvršni svet skupščine SR Slovenije, Javna skladišča, JUB, Kemija Impex, Kompas, KP Rast, Kulturna skupnost Slovenije, Lek, Lesnina, LIZ, Ljubljanska kulturna skupnost, Mercator, Metalka, Moderna galerija, Oprema Kočevje, Petrol, Riko, SCT, Skupščina mesta Ljubljane, Slovenijales, Stol, Smelt, Stanovanjski SIS občine in mesta Ljubljane, Stenplast, Tovarna papirja Krško, Tovarna papirja Radeče, Tovarna papirja Vevče, Unitex and Velana.